Aleza has a powerful feature which allows you to not only list resources but also articles, images, and whatever else you can think of. Each resource has a 'Link Type' attribute which can be changed using the navigator -> link editor. 

Here's how it works
If the link type is 'Resource Link' and a user clicks on that link, it will redirect the user to that website. If the link type is 'Use display1.asp' when the user clicks on that resource aleza will send them to display1.asp with the link's information. This means that if we have a list of software applications and the user chooses one, we can bring him to a page where we can display the package image and more info. We can use other fields like ' Reciprocal URL ' as an image url and comment as more information. 

File Structure:


<!-- #Include File="start.asp" -->

... HTML ...

<!-- #Include File="navigation.asp" -->

... HTML ...


... HTML ...

<!-- #Include File="finish.asp" -->

Link Attributes

The following is a list of codes you can use to retrieve link information.

<%= linkRec("title")%> Links Title
<%= linkRec("description")%> Description
<%= linkRec("url")%> Resource URL
<%= linkRec("hits")%> Hits this resource has received
<%= linkRec("datein")%> Date resource has been indexed
<%= linkRec("email")%> Email Field
<%= linkRec("popular")%> Popular status linkRec("popular") will be true if it is
<%= linkRec("votes")%> The number of votes this resource has received
<%= linkRec("rating")%> The resource's rating
<%= linkRec("recipurl")%> Reciprocal URL field
<%= linkRec("comments")%> Comment Field
<%= linkRec("contact")%> Contact Field
<%= linkRec("posts")%> The number of posts this resource has
<%= linkRec("threads")%> The number of threads
<%= linkRec("hitsin")%> Total hits this resource has sent through the Top Sites System
<%= linkRec("dhitsin")%> Hits this resource has sent through the Top Sites System today
<%= linkRec("mhitsin")%> Hits this resource has sent through the Top Sites System this month
<%= linkRec("linktype")%> Link type.